Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Organizing and staffing function

The organizing means different things to different people. It is used widely to mean a structure of relationship, a process, a group of people, and a function of management, organizing is the basic function of management. By organizing, a manager achieve organizational goals. Organization as a process integrates and coordinates the efforts of human, financial, technological and other resources. As a group of people organizing contributes their efforts towards attainment of common goals.

Once a manager has set goals and developed a workable plan, the next management function is to organize people and other resources necessary to carry out the plan. The organizing function creates a structure of task and authority relationships. It also involves assigning activities, dividing work into specific jobs and tasks, and specifying who has the authority to accomplish certain task. Another major aspect of organizing is grouping activities into departments or some other logical subdivision. In essence organizing is the process of creating organizational structure that enables the organization to function effectively as a cohesive whole.

Effective organizing can provide a number of benefits. First, the process of organizing helps to clarify the specialized tasks and performance expectations for each person. Second, it produces appropriate authority structure with accountability to support planning and control throughout the organization. Thirds, it creates channels of communication that support decision-making and control. Fourth, the organizing process establishes a logical flow of work group. Fifth, it develops a division of labor that avoids the misuse of resources, conflict, and duplication of effort. Sixth, it creates coordinating, mechanisms in diversified activities. Finally, organizing produces focused work efforts that are logically and efficiently related to a common goal.

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